
Mindset & Manifestation coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to reclaim their inner power, realise their infinite potential, + quantum leap into their next level of success + abundance! 

Are you ready to be the light?

You just have to believe it. Because the truth is, you are LIMITLESS. Anything you desire is meant for you. Your reality now? It’s simply a reflection of your past thoughts + beliefs…

….And that doesn’t have to be your story anymore. 

Because when you believe in yourself, listen to your intuition, and stand in your power, that’s when you can start living the fulfilling, beautiful life you desire! 

And the true magic of it all? Every woman that claims this path, shines a light even brighter that inspires others to follow. 

And the truth is, that magic is already inside of you, just waiting to burst out. 

Beautiful soul, you’re here because you’re ready for some magic.

Abundance is all around you. It’s EVERYWHERE! Those big, juicy desires don’t have to stay on your vision board anymore. You get to have it ALL. 

I’m here to show you that by radically transforming your mindset, you can reclaim your inner power + co-create with the universe. By releasing the limitations and resistance you feel within your body and mind, + trusting your intuition, you can start to feel safe, grounded, and most importantly, connected to the quantum leap.

All it takes is that step into the higher level vibration of who you truly are so you can become your own best guide to manifest the clients, abundance, and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about. 

It’s time to focus on the ENERGETICS of business and be in vibrational ALIGNMENT with your desires so you can receive ease + joy!

In fact, you get to achieve more by doing less.

Business doesn’t have to be so hard. You don’t have to ‘hustle’ all day long. You don’t have to feel like you’re constantly swimming upstream.

Energy is my Strategy…

the more I grow + expand what feels possible, the more my clients expand too! You get to design + create the life + business of your dreams. And I’m here to show you it’s ALL possible. 

And the best part of it all?

Since focusing on my mindset, energy + choices, I’ve continuously quantum leaped in my life + business + continue to leap to new levels! I’ve manifested being fully booked with soul clients, launched successful group programmes, a 5 bedroom house in the countryside, the biggest cash months in my business, and incredible business friends + community.

And that’s exactly what’s happened.

 I ditched the ‘hustle’ + started embodying the “do less, attract more” mantra. I started showing up in my business as myself, being vulnerable, honest, + my true, authentic self. And I committed to daily mindset + manifestation rituals, trusting that when I feel good, I attract good things to my life + business.

I became an NLP Mindset Coach to support other women in business that were holding themselves back like me. 

And that’s where it all changed for me. 

I waved goodbye to a HR career in luxury fashion because the 9-5 (and then some!) wasn’t doing it for me anymore. I’d hit burnout and felt destined for something more…. So off I went into the sunset with a dream to be a wildly successful entrepreneur, blissfully unaware of the tangle I was about to create for myself!

You see, I hadn’t done the mindset work. I was stuck in procrastination/perfectionism mode with every business fear under the sun. I had zero clients, zero money, + zero confidence.
Until I started to face my mindset head on…

I know what it’s like to feel completely unfulfilled and to feel guided towards something different. Because that was me.

Hi, I’m Becky. Soul-led Mindset, 
Manifestation + Empowerment Coach.

From hustle to flow…

My mission is to empower women to believe in themselves, know their worth, and stand in their power so they confidently follow their wildest passions + desires to live happy, fulfilled lives! 

It’s time to start aligning your inner world with your outer world so you can let go of your old limiting stories, realign with your truth + become truly magnetic in this energetic world. 

Are you playing the same old storyline on repeat?

Do your desires feel too much for you and almost “impossible” to achieve because of your beliefs? 

But are you subconsciously NOT allowing it to be easily received? 

ANYTHING you desire is available to you. 

The POD is co-hosted by me and Becky Lloyd-Pack. We're here to support you as both a business owner and a human to build an online presence that feels like home to your people.

POD Community

Mindset, nervous system and energy coaching for ambitious entrepreneurs playing big and feeling blocked

who is this for?

60 minute 'Breakthrough Sessions' to clear the “blocks” so you can play in a bigger arena and manifest “body tingles” business results

1:1 Coaching

1:1 & Group Experiences  

Here’s how I can help get you there…


For those doing business differently. A place for the curious, the rebellious & those who wish to approach the act of business, marketing & sales differently

Mindset and energy coaching for when you're feeling stuck in a pattern & ready to move beyond the fear/protection/resistance with accountability & transformational rituals

who is this for?

Receive the power of 1:1 coaching to go beyond old stories, beliefs & patterns... wherever you are & whatever you're doing! Magic on the Move.

Voice Note Coaching

I'm proud to introduce you to a collective book that I have had the pleasure to participate in. I have written an open and vulnerable chapter about my awakening perspective, alongside over 30 women. We share profound insights through reflective pieces, channeled letters of affirmation and soulful poems. The intention - to provide hope and community to others on paths of awakening.

Words of the Wise: Wisdom from Awakening Journeys

I have also shared my journey from dreaming of writing and manifesting this opportunity here. Enjoy this beautiful, soul activating book.

learn more about how this book manifested here

Join this expansive recorded Masterclass to learn how to boldly claim what you desire in this infinite world of potential + quantum leap into your next level.

Quantum Leap

Are you ready to design your future on purpose? Join me for a one-hour recorded workshop so you can design your very own affirmations with expert guidance from me.

Affirmations Masterclass 

Masterclasses For You!  

Jess - Director at Happybeams Interiors

When I booked an Abundance Day with Becky, I knew it was going to be special but I wasn’t prepared for just how magical the entire day would be and how wonderful I’d feel by the end. I’d like to start by saying a huge thank you to Becky for being such a supportive and reassuring presence to guide me through the day - because of her energy and understanding I was able to let go of so much and fully align with my vision.
We set an intention for the day, and Becky tailored the whole day to best support this. Each visualisation was so beautiful and enlightening, and I released so much each time – I was pleased we had several breaks throughout the day, to then come back energised for the next section. We ended the day with a Reiki session and card pull which was the perfect end to the day – I felt so calm yet empowered, and slept like a baby that night!
The follow up PDF, daily visualisation and subliminal track were absolutely incredible bonuses to receive. It’s so fantastic to have journal prompts and affirmations, as well as all the messages and learnings from the day to refer back to. It feels like Becky is still here to continue guiding me through the next steps of my journey!
I can highly recommend booking an Abundance Day if you’re feeling out of alignment with your vision, or you feel ready to let go of certain beliefs that might be holding you back. It was truly phenomenal how much shifted in just one day, and I am so grateful for this opportunity to work with gorgeous Becky again. She’s just magic.

"I am so grateful for this opportunity to work with gorgeous Becky again. She’s just magic."

Look, I’m not here to tell you what to do or mentor you through my “proven” strategy. That’s not what I’m about. 

I’m simply here to guide you back to reclaiming your POWER, knowing that any limitations have been learnt + can be released, so you can believe + trust more deeply in yourself and this beautiful magnetic Universe we live in.

Am I the coach for you?

 And I believe in magic. The magic of our minds. The magic of the Universe. The magic of YOU. 

I believe that your soul-aligned business is all about you + your uniqueness - a combination of what you desire, what you value, what you love + what you’re amazing at! 

I believe that you’re here to expand + grow + that everything happens for a beautiful reason. You find clarity + power in the storms.

I believe that your past doesn’t define you + you can release attachment to old stories.

I believe that anything is possible for you + anything you want is available for you. When you connect with your intuition, allow yourself to be spiritually guided + release any external expectations, you attract with ease.

This Is What I believe…

Now, the big question, are you ready to claim it?

You are limitless + you live in a limitless universe.

You get to have it all. 

Business gets to be easy + joyful whilst also being wildly abundant + successful. 

Want to start your journey right away?
Check out some amazing people I’ve spoken with here!

Aligned Mindset + Energetic Alignment + Strategy = Business Success

If you're supporting your clients with strategy and notice the mindset / energetic blocks holding them back from implementing your guidance - these guest expert sessions support your clients to breakthrough and be consistent.

Sessions can include hot-seat healing for bespoke somatic coaching + energetic breakthroughs for intimate groups or rebirthing breathwork focused on deeply releasing resistance, beliefs, energetic blocks that are holding them back from consistently applying and embodying your strategic magic!