
Your mission is so important, beautiful soul. What you do is needed in this world. You make a difference and you have big BIG visions for how your work can serve others abundantly!

I love that about you…

…So please don’t let your subconscious, sneaky “play it safe” beliefs, energetic limits and self-sabotaging patterns be the thing that slows down your business success and impact!

Please don’t let fear, ego and inner wounds overpower your mission, soul and limitless possibilities!

Because your business success journey gets to be SO much simpler when you BREAKTHROUGH the BS that’s holding you back.

So, if you want to:

60 minute 'Breakthrough Sessions' to clear the “blocks”
so you can play in a bigger arena and manifest “body tingles” business results

AKA - your new "secret weapon"

Mindset, Nervous System and Energy coaching for ambitious entrepreneurs playing big and feeling blocked

Clear Limits + Breakthrough into New Success Levels

  • Feel excited about your vision and next level possibilities…
  • Feel connected and able to embody your soulful self, shifting your relationship with fear and ego so you continue to expand WITH your emotions and triggers…
  • Take bold “playing bigger than ever” action that surrounds you with soul clients and *pinch me* opportunities…
  • Receive more and more and MORE with abundant ease and be ready to receive even more…
  • Market, sell, and serve the YOU way as your channel for authentic expression flows like a dream and your *soulful self* is out to play…
  • Honour your business flow and balance, feeling the most energised and aligned you’ve ever felt…

Then that’s exactly what these 1:1 sessions are made for!

You feel a block. We breakthrough. You realign and scale your beautiful business with more ease.

THIS is what Soulful Business Success is all about. Tangible results by serving abundantly in a way that lights you TF up. Intangible vibe of being a Soulful CEO playing bigger than ever before and embracing the journey.


That’s why when you’re playing bigger, your soul is 100% on board and your human is wary AF. Ambitious goals, new ways of doing things, putting yourself in unknown territory sends a warning signal across your mind and body to PLAY SAFE. To lower those goals, be wary, tread carefully, stay on the known path, hide away, do something else...

You know this feeling, right?

Your human is simply having a wobble. In your mind, in your body, and in your energy. Experiencing perceived “blocks” limiting your soul’s journey.

The long and short of it? ‘New level, new devil’ - happens to EVERYONE. And whilst the new level can become more familiar to explore and calibrate to, your nervous system and mind will have the initial “safety police” reaction.

Which is why these sessions are ESSENTIAL for ambitious entrepreneurs like you..

To tame the human. To expand the soul. And to supercharge your vision and manifest it into your reality.

Yes, you're a limitless soul with infinite possibilities and potentiality in the Universe.

and yes, You're also a human being hosting the soul that lives in the 3D reality, with emotions and perceived limits.

New Level, New Devil

These sessions are designed to lovingly shift the human illusions and limits in your mind, body and energy, including:

Mindset, Nervous System, and Energy Coaching & Healing.

• Limiting beliefs
• Energetic limits
• Self-sabotaging behaviours
• Energetic attachments and boundaries
• Inner child wounds

And these 1:1 sessions are beautifully different because…

• You book your session when you need to breakthrough
• You could book multiple sessions a week if your mind, body and soul desires
• You receive the coaching, healing, expansion that’s divinely needed

What I noticed with the ambitious entrepreneurs I support, is that coaching falls into proactive and reactive needs.

Proactive is the way of being, rituals, and focus of energy in the moment.

Reactive is the breakthrough moment when you feel triggered, stuck in old energy or emotions, succumbed to sneaky self-sabotage patterns, and habits that no longer serve you.

I don’t believe in actively looking for your healing. That’s a dark rabbit hole you can find yourself in - looking to be “fixed” and you’ll aLWAYS find something to heal and expand.

I believe in connecting to your soul vision, stepping into your f*ck it era, and breaking through the blocks and healing as you face it!

That’s why I’ve set up these 1:1 sessions to support you with both.

How does it work?


Access to 100’s of rituals, meditations, EFT tappings, hypnosis and soul-led trainings to support your flow of energy everyday


Access to 1:1 breakthrough session when you need it most!
Feeling blocked? Book a session.
Feeling sabotage? Book a session.
Feeling off? Book a session.
Feeling limited? Book a session.
You get the picture!

My clients are incredible women doing mind-blowing things, so I appreciate your time is precious.

That's why you book a session when your mind, body and energy need it most, instead of 1:1 calls every Tuesday whether you need it or not.

Here’s the thing…

When you are proactively being your truest self, taking bold action, breaking through the blocks of your “new level, new devil” you’re unstoppable.

I mean, you can stop and rest. I encourage that (wink) 

But energetically, UNSTOPPABLE.

Your mind and body calibrate to this new normal. You expand yourself. You grow your business with more ease (aka less human resistance!). You see the magical results in business as you cleanse your energy. And you don’t just positively affect yourself and your business, you create a ripple effect on those around you too!

1 session

What you get

  • 1:1 session (60 mins) - bespoke mindset and somatic coaching, breathwork, EFT tapping, reiki
  • Book when you need the session within 3 month window
  • Access to Soulful CEO Library (100’s of resources)



(intensive with 2 week Telegram)

3 sessions


(£222 per session)

6 sessions


(£185 per session)

9 sessions


(£172 per session)

Payment plans available

Reprogramme your subconscious mind. Regulating your nervous system. Cleansing and activating your energetic body. Soul realignment. Presence and intentional living.

  • NLP Mindset Coaching
  • Somatic Healing
  • Time Line Therapy (from past lives to womb to this lifetime)
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping
  • Breathwork
  • Reiki

3+ years as a Mindset and Energy Coach for ambitious women

My soul knew I was ready to play bigger than ever… and my mind and body said “f*ck no”. Unconsciously, of course.

It looked like procrastination. And when I say procrastination, I tell my friends it’s like hiding away in a cave. My nervous system was not on board.

Self-sabotage and inconsistent action became my new norm. Stop/start. Hide away/be brave. Disconnected/reconnect. EXHAUSTING!

When I paid attention beyond my mind into my nervous system and my energetic being, that’s when my business expanded quickly with more ease. My “human” was blocking my “soul” vision and mission.

The healing and coaching that I offer clients, I embody first. This approach is what every entrepreneur needs as they navigate new, elevated normals.

Hey, I’m Becky and I’m in my f*ck it era.

Why me?


I was stuck in a rut with my mindset and business. I lacked self worth and just wasn’t signing any clients. I am absolutely mind blown by the techniques that Becky uses and how quickly | saw results.
After one particular release session, | signed 2 new clients and continue to attract the right audience on social media. The work | have done with Becky has been priceless and I’m so grateful that she has helped me see things in a different way. | love working with Becky and | have even
signed up to another 12 weeks. Best investment!

“Deciding to work with Becky was one of the best decisions of my life!”

Becky Ashton, Perfect Time is Now Business Coach

The experience is like nothing I have ever felt before, she has an incredible way of making you feel safe, warm and all fuzzy inside. And that's not to mention the results, they are virtually instant, as soon as you let the magic happen.I can't wait to work with her again, everyone needs a bit of Becky in their lives.

"Working with Becky is a way for everyone to invite magic into their life."

Anna, Soul-led Brand Strategist

I recently has the best luck (and absolute divine timing) of an alignment session with Becky - and it truly came at a time when I needed it most. We covered so much in our session that I'm still reflecting on each little snippet now and will be for the weeks to come.
Lots of lightbulb moments and I instantly came away feeling so much more refreshed and aligned - which if you had seen me prior to the session you'd see would be nothing short of a miracle!
I can't recommend or shout loud enough from the rooftops about these sessions

"Becky is a god send to me and my business"

  • Ambitious entrepreneurs pursuing big visions (often feel bigger than how they currently see themselves)
  • Those seeking soulful mindset and energetic support to assist their strategic plans
  • Soulful business owners who are aware of their thoughts and emotions (and ready to build new ways of shifting this “success blocking” energy)
  • Time-limited go-getters that need to dip in and out of coaching when they need it most

Still not sure?

Have a look through my FAQs below or reach out to me so we can chat about whether this is the right kind of support you need right now.

This coaching is for:

Not sure if the Breakthrough sessions are for you?

And do you know how you feel that joy?

Breaking through these “success blocks” that keep you in this smaller arena listening to the doubts, fears and inner wounds.

Because, the truth is…

•  You are a limitless soul having a human experience
•  The key is shifting your relationship with your human mind, emotional body and energetic being
•  There’s not one way to be successful and your business will expand with more ease when you lean into your truest energy and follow what lights you TF up
•  Anything is possible when you deepen your connection with soulful intuition and connection with source
•  Energy shifts quickly and easily (yes, 60-minutes can change EVERYTHING!)

So, it’s time to hone in on that juicy vision magical soul, and choose to play bigger than ever before!

This business success journey (which has zero limits btw) gets to be an absolute joy. 

What you need to know:

When you sign up for a Breakthrough Session you instantly receive access to the Soulful CEO portal full of 100's of resources. You get to enjoy 3 months of 'proactive' mindset and energetic rituals to support you. Within this 3 month window, you will also receive a unique link to book your breakthrough session/s when you need them most.

How does the 3 month window work in practice?

These breakthrough sessions are bespoke to you. Each session has a unique intention to support you breaking through mentally, emotionally and energetically. My coaching will support you to get to the root of the "problem" in order to breakthrough. A session will include NLP Mindset Coaching and modalities that range from rebirthing breathwork, inner child healing, somatic healing, reiki healing or an intuitive blend to support you. Clients call it "Becky Magic" for a reason!

What does a 60 minute session include?


These sessions have been created to be flexible and work for you. During our 3 months together, if you desire additional breakthrough sessions, you can email me on to upgrade your sessions (with or without payment plan).

How does it work to invest in more Breakthrough Sessions?

Yes, I love voice note coaching and I know my clients do too. This isn't about having me in your pocket and taking away your sovereignty. However, there are some days where you need a quick, rapid energy shift. That's where Telegram Coaching can support you beyond Breakthrough Sessions. You can add on Telegram coaching when you invest in these bundles and I can be with you over the full 3 months!

Can I add on voice note coaching support?

I have worked with Becky in the Align to Thrive programme over the last year or so. She is a wonderful mindset coach with incredible knowledge and is a very kind and supportive soul. When I first started working with Becky, I was struggling with visibility and confidence. We spent a lot of time focusing on limiting beliefs and routines for me to feel good which allowed me to “raise my vibe”, so much so that I manifested my dream book deal! I feel like I have much more confidence now, in business and in life, and the tools to deal with setbacks in a much more positive way. I have loved working with Becky and am grateful to her for all the things she has opened my eyes to.

" I would definitely recommend working with her, she is a beautiful human and a joy to spend time with"


 I came to the session feeling very out of alignment with my business & way forward & Becky’s approach was just wonderful. Exactly what I needed. She holds space beautifully & is an encouraging beacon of light & energy. It was incredible how the shift in my mindset was instant & how this really “activated” me into a more energised space.Thank you so much Becky. She is a wonderful human being with extraordinary talents. The power of that 90 minute session was invaluable. I also loved that I had her to chat to for the 2 weeks after which helped with the aftermath of my thoughts. Also being able to join the group programme was a fantastic added bonus.
If you are considering working with Becky I would say this is a fantastic introduction to her & her magic….you would be silly not to go for it! ✨😊🙏🏻

"My session with Becky was just wow "

Sarah, Life and Mindset Coach

Becky was an absolute dream to work with. She helped me to make some incredible and expansive shifts during our time together and I don't think I could have achieved everything I have over the last 3 months without her support and our transformative sessions. She's a lovely human being and I felt so comfortable and at ease opening up to her.

"I made some huge shifts and realisations thanks to Becky's guidance that I don't think I ever could have made on my own."

6-figure business coach & online educator