

If you're supporting your clients with strategy and notice the mindset / energetic blocks holding them back from implementing your guidance - these guest expert sessions support your clients to breakthrough and be consistent.

Aligned Mindset + Energetic Alignment + Strategy = Business Success

Sessions can include hot-seat healing for bespoke somatic coaching + energetic breakthroughs for intimate groups or rebirthing breathwork focused on deeply releasing resistance, beliefs, energetic blocks that are holding them back from consistently applying and embodying your strategic magic!

Testimonials from Guest Expert Sessions

"Wowee, that was so powerful, seeing my future self was another level tonight."

"F*ck me that was amazing what have you done to me I loved that so much. Insane. I’m a mess. Thank you so so good."

"I loved that so much. I felt tingly all over and cold at times. So much joy at the end too. Thanks so much."

limiting beliefs (aligning with authentic truth)

This is important as when we play bigger, our mind and bodies can resist the change and growth. This self-sabotage is held in the mind, nervous system and energy. Breathwork and transformational coaching supports a powerful shift on all levels.

Results = safety in the mind and body to go all in, more aligned action, amplified ROI 👌

Themed sessions can include:

manifestation (aligning with desires/goals)

scarcity/lack mindset (aligning with money abundance)

self-sabotage (aligning with playing bigger momentum)

visibility (aligning with safety being seen)

and so much more tailored to the challenges your community face


Email me at to explore singular sessions and to request resident coach sessions for consistent breakthroughs for your clients.

Excited to collaborate! x

- Charlotte Robson and Cat Houghton, The Authentic Girls Club - 

"Wow, we were so grateful to experience Becky's work. We came together as a community to activate and amplify our desires and goodness did Becky empower us to do both. Becky's energy and passion for what she does is infectious and we all left the session feeling activated, amplified and with a new found belief, strength and inner calm to go after all that we want in life. It was a truly special moment and one that won't be forgotten. Thank you Becky, your light is so inspiring and here's to shining brighter, together"

Thank you Becky, your light is so inspiring and here's to shining brighter, together