
I’m going to launch what feels aligned and how it feels good for me. I trust my intuition over what other people are doing and how they’re doing it. F*ck it, let’s try and see.


Join this MASTERCLASS + ACTIVATION on to step boldly into this energy…

Forget villian era… it’s time to be fully loaded in your F*ck It Era!

That inner mean girl thought and self-sabotaging behaviour is not who I am. That’s fear. That’s conditioning. That’s protection. It doesn’t mean anything about me and my business in this moment. F*ck it, let’s see what happens when I don’t attach.


My current business success and bank account mean zilch about me. It’s old energy and old choices and old fear. I’m limitless and so is business and money! F*ck it, let’s play around in this limitless energy and see what happens.


F*CK IT really means…

I choose SOUL over my HUMANNESS!

I choose to expand, do the thing, trust my intuition, expand my business into new levels of success BEYOND what my mind is telling me.

With love, acceptance, and compassion - of course!

But with powerful, F*CK IT energy, to see what happens

Soooooo…. Do you want to join me on the F*CK IT train and have an era of EXPANSION?

You’re a heart-led, ambitious entrepreneur
Your desires are juicy big, bold AF and dripping with abundance
Your reality is currently more consumed by the fears, “what if” possibilities, doubts and worries
Your soul is getting frustrated with the slow, up-down progress
You’re on the brink of F*CK IT, LET”S GOOOOOO!!!!

This month is the month you GO ALL IN!! F*ck it!

This activating masterclass is made for you if…

Join this masterclass to have a taster of the F*ck It energy that’s available for you when your mind, body and soul are open!

Open to trying
Open to failing
Open to succeeding
Open to everything in between
Open to it all

If that’s you and you’re READY for a Summer of “f*ck it, I really went for it, and look what’s manifested”... join for FREE here:

60+ mins of activating mindset and energy shifts

For free - simply an investment of your time and energy

All you need is a quiet and calm place to be guided!

Join the F*ck it Era Masterclass…

I’m a Mindset + Divine Energetics Coach for ambitious female entrepreneurs (like you!) supporting to…

⚡️ shatter illusions and limits
💃 be the version of you in your vision
🔥 embrace your feminine flow to balance your masculine moves forward

This is the F*ck it Era vibe and I’ve supported over 100 women to claim this energy in their business. Going beyond the human-ness and fears, into a soulful limitless reality in life and business.

I’ve expanded my business from putting the pro in procrastination (hello self-sabotage!) to attracting 4-figure clients with ease, balance and bundles of joy.

And it’s yours to claim too.

Hi I’m Becky!