Soul-led Mindset,
Manifestation + Empowerment Coach.
This week’s Soulful Sunday Ritual guides you to powerfully shift a limiting story into a limitless truth.
We all have stories. Your mind creates stories, connections, assumptions, generalisations to make sense of the world around you.
These stories usually play out unconsciously from your subconscious mind. They’re automatic… and they play on loop. So much so, that sometimes you’re not aware of the story being a story.
The power of our conscious awareness is that we can focus on the story and question it.
As Robin Sharma says… “What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny”
Our conscious mind allows us to ask…
This week’s ritual guides you to Shift Stories to be in alignment with your abundant, joyful, impactful desires.
Intuitively write down your stories.
What automatically comes to your mind about yourself, life + business? Allow your pen to write, like a stream of consciousness. Then ask yourself…
Circle or highlight the story you will focus on in this ritual. You can repeat this ritual as often as you need to powerfully transform each story.
Focusing on one story at a time, journal on the following prompts to shift from limiting to limitless.
Your story is unhooked… and transmuted into your truth.
New neural pathways are being wired + developed to support this truth that you’re reconnected with.
The more you choose your truth, the more this truth is anchored into your subconscious, it becomes unconsciously your way of being. You become an embodiment of your truth (not the story)!
Some stories are more simple to shift. Other stories are more deeply rooted into your subconscious mind, nervous system + energetic field.
If you have a limiting belief that you’re ready to deeply heal, join me for group healing in Limitless: Free in Four. In 4 weeks, I guide you through deeper subconscious, somatic + energetic shifts that free you from limiting beliefs.
You will leave feeling more ALIGNED with your truest self + FREE to pursue your desires with more confidence, motivation + authenticity. Deeply embodying your truth free from the limits.
We start on 10th November 2022 and prices start from only £148.
A safe space to share the magic of this Universe with a community of like-minded spiritual women focused on soulful + heart-led business.
[…] you feel more connected to your LIMITLESS TRUTH from this ritual… commit to these 3 rituals for one […]