Soul-led Mindset,
Manifestation + Empowerment Coach.
This week’s Soulful Sunday Ritual plays with money!
Although money can feel like a complicated, heavy, serious thing… it’s actually really playful, fun and easy. If you choose it to be.
Because money is energy. Just like the trees that surround you and the internet that flows to you everyday. But we apply so much meaning, stories + assumptions around money that it doesn’t always feel light + loving.
So let’s add some playfulness with this ritual. This is a ritual I play with my bank account and it’s FUN AF
This ritual requires you to look at your bank account. So if you’re avoiding your bank balance (hello, been there!!), work through that resistance first to powerfully bring your head out of the sand (hello avoidance!!).
(if you’re not sure how… skip down to the bottom of this email!)
When you realise money is energy and there is LIMITLESS £££ energy available to flow to you… you allow a playful + abundant relationship with money. It can be a fun game!
️So let’s play a game that aligns your frequency with your bank balance ️
Open your bank account, feel into the money flow that’s currently in your account, feel deep gratitude for every penny in your world, and know that there’s MORE money flow available for you.
Your current reality (including finances!) is representative of your past energy + frequency. It doesn’t define what’s available for you to receive. That’s truly limitless!
This game plays with the energy of money by setting an ‘energetic minimum’ for what you’re available to receive. Trusting the abundance of this world.
For example… if you currently have £3,000 in your business account… you claim “I’m only available for a minimum of £3,000 in my account. Nothing below. Always above.”
And watch with delight as money flows in and out of your account ABOVE this energetic minimum.
When you flow money out (with gratitude, always), set the intention + decision that money will always flow back to you easily + quickly to satisfy your energetic minimum. With this powerful desire + expectation, money flows back into your account with ease. In expected + unexpected ways!
And it always does!
Your role is to listen to the soulful nudges, follow through on the inspired action, and be open to receive divine abundance.
Start wherever you are at. £1, £100, £1000.
And the beautiful thing is, you get to INCREASE what you’re available for to make the game even more fun as you expand your consciousness.
Sending you oodles of abundance,
p.s. If money within your life and business doesn’t feel fun right now… and it’s actually keeping you up at night as you need more…
Join the Wealthy + Worthy Mastermind to expand into new realms of divine abundance + energetic minimums!
My blend of mindset, healing + business energetics takes you from limited 3D business to expansive 5D entrepreneurship!
My blend of mindset, healing + business energetics takes you from limited 3D business to expansive 5D entrepreneurship!
Mindset expansion, energy alignment, business energetics, abundance rituals, soulful selling, wealth mindset, higher consciousness, quantum leaping, work/life balance, fully booked with soul clients, feeling joy as you scale, soul sisterhood community – THIS IS THE VIBE
Join this HYBRID MASTERMIND at a beta investment – £495 a month (6 month commitment for ultimate expansion). Includes 121 Miracle Mindset sessions, Reiki healing, Business Energetics AND Soulful Community. It’s a BETA OFFER for the first 5 beautiful souls ready for this support.
Read more about the mastermind here!
Book a chat with me below if this feels aligned with you…
A safe space to share the magic of this Universe with a community of like-minded spiritual women focused on soulful + heart-led business.